lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

the essay from lady sanchez (the short story)


They say that once had a blind man sitting in a park, with a cap at his feet and a sign that, written in white chalk, said: "Please help, I'm blind." A creative advertising that passed before him, stopped and watched a few coins in his cap. Without asking permission he took the sign, he turned, took a chalk and wrote another announcement. He put the piece of wood on the feet of the blind man and left. In the afternoon the creative she passed the blind begging. Now his hat was full of notes and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps asked if it was he who re-wrote his lineup and especially what it was what was written there. The publicist replied: - "Nothing that is not as true as your ad, but with other words."

He smiled and moved on. The blind man never knew, but his new sign read:
Changes tactics when something does not leave us, and see that it may be better that way.

popayan from kevin

City: Popayan

Temperature: 19º grades C

Population: 240.000 people

Economic: Agriculture, miner, tourism.

Form to Arrive: air form and principals avenues of the country

Distance of Bogota: 702 Kms.

Nicknamed: The White City

The word Popayan comes from an Indian dialect. It means:

Po: Two

Pa: Straw

Yan: Village

In South America, in Colombia, high in the Cauca River is a beautiful valley called Popayan.

Popayan is not only a beautiful, historic city, but also a leading cultural center, home of poets, artists, and authors, birthplace of fifteen presidents of the Republic of Colombia.

The city is 5.280 feet above sea level and has an average temperature of 64ºF. The weather is spring-like all year round, but the best months are November, December, and January. One can get to Popayan by land from Cali, which is to the north, Pasto, to the south, and Neiva, to the West; there is also an excellent airport and regular flights to Bogotá and Guapi.

History of Popayan

The valley shaped by the high Cauca River where the city of Popayán is located,

Was inhabited by indigenous groups before the Spanish conquest. There the

“Conquistadores” found two Indian settlements, home of the Indian chief, Payán,

The settlements were named “Pupayam” (in Guambia, Pus-straw, Pa-two,

Yam-settlement). This name was adopted for the city that “was founded” by

Sebastian de Belalcazar on January 13, 1537, in honor of His King of Spain.

Immigrants began to shape the new village which, in time, was to become a very

rich city because of its importance in communications as a link between the North

an the South of the “New Word”, and as a collecting center for the gold,

silver, and precious metals mined in Barbacoas and Timba which were to be sent

to the royal Spanish treasury. The best and most famous architects and

Craftsmen of the colonial era left tangible proof of their skill in the

bridges. Temples, houses and doorways of the city, creating a sober, elegant

atmosphere which can be enjoyed full today, in the twenty first century

Two villages with straw roofs. However there is no straw roofs in town any

more although there is plenty of them in the city neighborhood.

There are no records regarding the pre-Hispanic history of the indigenous

town of Popayan, but in January 13, 1537 Spanish conqueror Sebastian de

Belalcázar came to the conquered town and declared de foundation of

Popayan. It was a very important town during the colony because its

location between Lima, Quito and Cartagena. Even after the discovery of

the Pacific Ocean Popayan was a transfer point of gold and riches going to

Cartagena on its way to Spain. As a result Popayan is one of the most

traditional Colombian towns and very rich in Colonial architecture

although in 1983 an earthquake destroyed part of the city. There are

several colonial bridges, museums and churches in the town.

Natives populated the town before the conquest. Next to the city there is

still a huge mound built by the Indians similar to a pyramid and presently

covered by grass. Legend says the inner structure holds richness and gold.

Conquistadores settled next to the Indians taking advantage of their good

heartiness and cheap labor. Catholicism was offered and taken by the

Indians in exchange for their gold and work.

The city is home to an ancient pre-Hispanic pyramid known as El Morro del

Tulcán. El Morro was already abandoned when the Spanish first arrived to

the city in 1535. Analysis of dental samples taken revealed that the

individuals buried there probably belonged to the most important social

class from their respective Indian society.

Popayán is the city with most presidents from Colombia. A total of 17

presidents have been born in Popayan.

Popayan has been destroyed by several earthquakes. The most recent and the

most destructive lasted for eighteen seconds and occurred on March 31st of

1983. The reconstruction of the colonial city took more than 10 years and

still today it is possible to see some lots that have not been

reconstructed. The first earthquake seismic design code was established in

Colombia as a consequence of this earthquake.

Popayan is famous for the celebration of Easter, a tradition that dates back to

colonial times and that its residents have jealously guarded. Solemn processions

through the streets of Popayan, as part of an event that has the participation

of parishioners coming from all over the country. Also at that time held the

Religious Music Festival, which brings together musical groups specializing in

this genre, from various countries.

For the visitor who really wants an experience that taught the intensity with

which we live the tradition of the Popayan people, there is nothing better than

attending the Easter season celebrated in Popayan.

Holy Week in Popayan is a religious festival on a grand scale, traditional and

Seville in Spain, and equally noble in form and splendid in its details. Popayan

traditions, is the only one that has resisted, resisting and will resist the

mercantilist push the new times and the carefree payan usual skepticism.

The duration of the procession is usually three to four hours and your route

covers twenty-three blocks, distributed in the form of the head and arms of a

Latin cross. In addition to the ceremonies and processions, now religious art

exhibitions, and the already renowned festival of religious music, which assists

the cream of the choirs, musicians and orchestras of the kind of world. The

Easter season, according to Christian tradition, each year varies, but usually

occurs between the last weeks of March and early April.


Religious Art Museum

Beautiful religious objects of the colonial period are exhibited here. These

pieces of great historical value constitute the inheritance of Popayan and its


Mosquera's House

House where the great General, Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera, once lived, the

museum of colonial art and history where several objects which belonged to the

General are on display. The section dedicated to the colonial art of the XVII

and XVIII centurias, is especially interesting.

Natural History Museum

An excellent zoological and entomological museum, founded by the Popayan- born

scientist, F.C. Lehmann. There, visitors will find one of the finest

south-American collection of tropical animal species.

Humilladero Bridge

This bridge, built on eleven arches which are 27 feet above the river. is 720

feet long and 16.5 feet wide it is one of the most important landmarks in

Popayan and was built in 1868, during the first decades of the Colombian


Torre del Reloj

This is another important landmark in the city of Popayan. It was built on the

“plaza de Caldas” between 1675 and 1682. the clock, which was donated by the

priests of the city, was put there in 1737.

San Francisco

This church, built in 1775 by craftsmen from Spain and Quito, is truly a

masterpiece of colonial art. The beauty of the atmosphere, the soft light of the

stained glass windows, the excellent paintings, statues, and gold work, and every

detail of its construction assure the visitor of an incomparable experience

when visiting this church

La Hermita

This is the most ancient church in Popayan. It was built during the first

decades of the XVI century. The main altar bears an image of the ancient

Austrian two-headed eagle, and beautiful samples of Spanish, and

Italian imagery adorn the walls.

Capilla de Belen

This Sanctuary, dedicated to the Ecce Homo, patron Saint of the city, was built

by the wealthy and generous artisan, Juan Antonio de Velasco in 1681. Details of

typically Spanish colonial stone, masonry can be seen in the simple lines of the

construction. The courtyard in front of the church commands a beautiful view of

the city of Popayan and its surroundings.


This church, built in 1741, has been dedicated to Our Lady of El Rosario, whose

beautiful XVI century image is one of the few samples of the Spanish

“churrigueresco” style which are left in Popayan. The building has its own

style, which follows basic traditional renaissance lines. The square base of the

bell tower was the only part of the church which remained after the earthquake

in 1885.


The Marquise of San Miguel de la Vega had this church and monastery built in

1730. Its construction as well as the beautiful altarpieces and images which adorn

it are of incomparable artistic value.


This church belonged to the “Compañia de Jesus” and was built by then in the

second half of the XVII century. It has beautiful altarpieces and carved

ornaments, but it is very special because of the fantastic play of light which

occurs when light pours in though its stained glass windows.

the essay from kevon lopez


Are the essays, compositions that influence in the learning?

Why is important the essays in the students and what is the object of the essay?

The essays are texts to express different ideas, to defend or attack someone situation in different areas, but if one person want make an essay need know the topic and read other opinions.

The essays are the interpretation about some topic, to explain in free form, to show the author opinion and know the importance about the topic.

In the year 1580 the French Michel de Montaigne began with this write style, but in XIX century the people adopted the essays to critical and learn about different topics in that time.

In the early nineties the writers started to make essays to defend their opinions and show the problems in the society.

During years the essays have been used in schools and universities to learn, develop the student thought, because when one person read and after carry out or make a essay is most easy remember the information. But if one person want obtain this result need three important parts in an essay.

The first is the introduction; in this part the writer explain the topic and the content of the essay. The second the develop; in this part the writer expose ideas to defend the thesis, also the writer in this part use different tools for instance dates, texts, news, internet and others. The third the conclude, in this part the writer express his ideas about the topic.

To conclude the essay is an important help to the human thought and explore others opinions, althoug is a good form to learn, know and memorize new information.






27 DE OCTUBRE 2009

essay of jungle book


The Jungle Book tells the story of Mowgli, a young boy abandoned in the jungle of India and raised by a pack of wolves. With the help of Bagheera, a wise black panther, and a bear called Baloo, the wolves teach Mowgli the ways and laws of the jungle.

As he grows up, he learns the ways of the jungle and the different personalities of its animals. He is accepted as a "wolf" by the other animals but firts by akela who is the leader of the wolf pack, but when he is finally exposed to humans, he begins to question his own identity. During time that he was in the jungle he met a bear call baloo and he teached him the whole laws and importance of the frindship and team work and how important is the natural mother. Also he met Bagheera who is the black panter and she teached him how hunt.

After a while he had some issus with Shere Khan who is devil in the story and he did all as posible he coud to eject out mowgli of the jungle because Shere Khan had the power of the jungle, so he did it and mowgli go away to a close ville where he met his real mother but he couldn´t adapt. Because he always had in his heart the jungle and his mision was kill Shere Khan.

Finally with akela and mowgli´s brother they used a beef herd to crush Shere Khan and so after that mowgli could go back to the jungle.

This book is really intresting becasue we can learn about a real friendship and also how you can take care of the people around you and how important is the family and values in the laws.


Japan, site of ancient gods and customs, while mecca of modernity, is composed of a central island, Honshu, and three other main islands, Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyūschū, which are connected to the main island, Honshu, by tunnels and bridges.
His trip to Japan can be enforcer of countless ways, so as facets offers Japan. Overall if you want to see the ultra-modern Japan should visit the metropolis of Tokyo and Osaka. Also these cities are the most suitable sites to see sumo, museums, visual arts and performing arts traditional Nipponese, such as Kabuki and Noh theater.
Whoever wants to know Japan basically need at least a couple of weeks. The first areas are advised to know are Tokyo and Kyoto. Tokyo has almost anything you might need the tourists, their surroundings are equally interesting, including the historic city Kamakura Nikkō north and south. West Mount Fuji and Hakone as a resting place.
North of Tokyo is the Tohoku district, with pleasant mountain springs and spa hotels. It is mandatory Hiraizumi the golden room, a key point for tourists. Also interesting is the bay with islands, Matsushima or tone, more traditional Japan.
The Daisetzu-zan National Park is ideal for hiking in the mountains or the landscapes of national parks as Shikotsu-Toya, Rebun-tō, and Shiretoko Rishiri-tō.
In Hokkaido Hakodate city stresses that incredibly still retains its wooden houses. Capital also highlights his traditional places like Sapporo and Hokkaido.
We can choose to ski the central Honshu, not for nothing is called the Alps Japonenes. Also in this area there are cities like Nagano or Matsumoto castle.
In the Japan Sea coast in the city of Kanazawa is also a preferred destination. It has one of the best gardens in the country. South of the Alps of Japan is highly recommended Kyoto city which is perhaps the most spectacular sight in the country.
Japan is an island nation surrounded by sea which is composed of four main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, plus thousands of small islands. Mostly covered by a blanket of forests in the country can enjoy beautiful landscapes in each of the four seasons, plus a rich cultural heritage that draws from the history and tradition.

Sapporo Snow Festival

After about half a century since its inception, the festival attracts over two million visitors every year both Japan and abroad. The snow statues and ice sculptures, each of several themes and sizes flood the space in the center of Sapporo during the seven days of the festival in February

Tohoku region - Nebuta Festival

Nebuta festival is held every summer in the cities of Aomori and Hirosaki. The festival can attend a huge procession of lanterns in the shape of animals and historical characters. Hundreds of dancers known as haneto their way through the streets so scandalous dancing, shouting and bellowing.

Tohoku region - Shirakami Mountains

It is a mountainous region on the border between Aomori and Akita prefectures, and is also the birthplace of the most expansive of beech virgin forest in the world.

KANTO Region - Shrines and Temples of Nikko


The Toshogu Shrine is the mausoleum of Tokugawa Ieyasu, unifier of the country in early seventeenth century and founder of the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1867). The halls of the shrine, richly decorated with ornamental carvings, are surrounded by forests.

Kanto region – Tokyo

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Besides being the capital, Tokyo is the economic and political center of Japan. It combines the features of a modern urban center, streets crisscrossed with skyscrapers and traditional elements of more than 400 years of history. Its historic name is Edo

Chubu Region - Mount Fuji

The highest mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji (3.776m/12.385 feet) is also adorned with a series of beautiful forests and lakes. It is a conical stratovolcano and well proportioned with a declining base that has been idle for about 300 years. The Japanese have worshiped since ancient Mount Fuji like a sacred mountain.

Chubu Region - The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama


Many residents of the village of Shirakawa, Gifu Prefecture, and Kamitama villas and Tai-ra, Toyama Prefecture, still live in farmhouses and large houses with steep thatched roofs (gassho style) , which maintains a unique traditional lifestyle in the midst of severe weather characterized by heavy snowfall

Kinki region - Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto in Kyoto, Uji and Otsu


Kyoto was the center of the imperial court since the eighth century until the late nineteenth century. One area in which there are many shrines, temples, gardens and streets that represent ancient times and can be regarded as the cradle of Japanese cultura

Kinki region - Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara, Horyu-ji


Nara was the capital of Japan in the eighth century. Historical monuments, temples and shrines are a reflection of an era of Buddhist culture introduced from China and the Korean peninsula. The Horyu-ji Temple is a complex of 40 temples dating back to the seventh and eighth centuries, and which in part includes what is estimated to be the oldest wooden structures in the world

Kinki region – Osaka

Osaka originally developed as a commercial city today, along with Tokyo, is considered one of the most important economic centers in Japan. Known for water and its "808 bridges, numerous rivers and canals will run through the urban districts.

Kinki region - Himeji Castle

Archivo:Himeji Castle 00s3200.jpg

Himeji Castle is an excellent example of Japanese architecture of the seventeenth century castle equipped with a sophisticated defense system. Also called Shirasagi Castle (White Heron), its silhouette and perfectly trimmed white stucco walls resemble a white heron about to take flight

Region Shikoku - Seto Ohashi Bridge

puente seto ohashi japon 01

Seto Ohashi Bridge, which runs between the islands of Honshu and Shikoku on the Seto Inland Sea, connecting Okayama and Kagawa prefectures, is the largest bridge in the world that combine road with a railway line. The bridge is divided into 6 sections to complete a total distance of 9.4 kilometers

Chugoku region - Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima

Genbaku the Dome (the Dome of the Atomic Bomb)

Hiroshima is located in the center of the Chugoku region in western Honshu. Includes In'noshima Island and 150 islands of the Seto Inland Sea. The city of Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb during World War II and today is internationally known as city of peace, the Peace Memorial Park and Atomic Bomb Dome, which continue testifying his terrifying experience for the elsewhere.

Chugoku region - Itsukushima Shinto Shrine

The shrine, built on the small island of Itsukushima, dates from the thirteenth century. Widely known as one of the three most scenic places in Japan, offers a stunning image of unity with the surrounding natural environment, overlooking the sea and mountains in the background.

Kyushu region - Mount Aso

Mount Aso is also an active stratovolcano located almost in the center of Kyushu. The caldera, formed by a continuous volcanic activity over the past 30,000 years is 20 kilometers in diameter. The area is rich in thermal springs, streams and meadows

Kyushu and Okinawa Region – Yakushima

The mountainous island boasts several peaks towering over 1,000 meters above sea level, thanks to which can accommodate the diverse vegetation that occurs between the subtropical and the subarctic. The best known is the giant of Yakushima cedar over 1,000 years old.


Okinawa sea

Gusuku SITES AND ASSETS OF THE KINGDOM OF THE ASSOCIATED RYUKYU. Gusuku, which means "castle" is a word that goes back to the era of the Ryukyu kingdom, which flourished between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries in what is now known as Okinawa Prefecture. The ruins of the castle gusuku, which are scattered throughout the islands of the prefecture, are a reminder of the extraordinary Ryukyuan culture that was forged through trade with Japan, China and Southeast Asia.

Shinkansen Trains


The Shinkansen bullet trains are operating at a speed of over 200 km / h and reaches a maximum of 300 km / h. The first opened in 1964 between Tokyo and Osaka, the service currently connects Tokyo with almost all major cities and enjoys great popularity among those who travel for business and sightseeing.